Director Message
Dear Students,We hope to provide the best possible Raj Mata Madhuri Devi Teacher Training College service to make studies enjoyable, challenging, successful & rewarding The joy is heightened when the journey is towards a vision. In the quest of knowledge and with a mission to empower the students in their becoming excellent human resources and to contribute wholehardly to the nation and the human society, Raj Mata Madhuri Devi Teacher Training College Training has acquired the status of one of the premier educational institutions in India. We are looking for students from all over the nation, who can utilize our high standard of teaching-learning services offered by qualified teachers with 'Educational Technology approach', using state-of- the-art audio-visual aids and Wi-Fi technology. Our objective is to create Who have character, commitment and courage with global consciousness and local connectedness? To motivate student teachers to become transformative teachers who demonstrate faith in their thought, wisdom in words, courage in deeds and service as a symbol of their life. To extend the teacher education services to the community for the well-being of the society To explore the educational scenario to supplement, support and intervene in the educational atmosphere,complex and rapidly changing global environment.astonishing spirit at all levels (B.Ed, & D.El.Ed,) so as to effectively pursue challenges in today's chaotic, complex and rapidly changing global environment. My best wishes are with all the faculty members and the students.

( Dr.Rina Kumari Ruby )

( Dr.Vivekanand )